Why UX is so important for Paid Marketing

Nicola Law

Oct 07, 2021 . 3 minutes read


Why UX is so important for Paid Marketing

We recently wrote a blog post about user experience, or UX for short, in which we gave some handy tips on how to improve your site’s UX which you can find here. In this blog, we’re going to focus on how important UX can be to your paid marketing efforts. If you’re wanting to get bang for your buck when it comes to marketing, UX should be the first thing on your list. There is no point sending thousands of people to a site which is poorly optimised for your goals. 

Why it's so important to Marketing

In the example above we can see the importance of UX/Conversion Rate Optimisation. As you can see from the figures, whilst marketing might be spending the same amount in both versions and driving the same amount of traffic, by improving the user’s on-site experience we generate a higher Conversion Rate which rapidly increases the level of conversions* we are generating for the same amount of ad spend.

Rather than just spending more money, simply optimising your website for conversions can generate much more return for your spend.

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*a conversion can be whatever you deem important - a transaction, a phone call, someone filling in the contact form or even someone reading a blog.

Tools to optimise UX

Here at Statuo, we use various softwares such as VWO and Hotjar which allow us to test and analyse the performance of sites. These tools give us the ability to split test landing pages (Split Testing is where you trial multiple versions of a page and let the data tell you which one performs best) or simply watch how users interact with a website.

From this data and testing we can improve a website's performance for our customers, ultimately increasing the level of Conversions through an increase in Conversion Rate rather than just throwing more money into the marketing.

Occasionally, however, a fresh new website is needed. Although building a new website can seem like a big step at first, it is sometimes necessary in order to get the results required. This is something the team at Statuo are experts in, along with our expertise in UX & user friendly sites which allow any business to kickstart their online success.

Improvements after UX optimisation

Two years ago, we started working with Fleetsmart to grow their online fleet tracking service. Within these two years, we have grown their online presence and leads through the roof. Initially, we optimised the ad accounts until we believed we had hit the ceiling in terms of performance.

We then looked at how we could drive more conversions without increasing media spend, so instead of spending more to acquire additional visitors per month (assuming they would convert just as much as the current ones), we worked to build a new bespoke site which was fully optimised to increase conversions. Since we took on the account 2 years ago, we have increased conversions by 1757%.

If you are looking to improve your own online presence or ROI from your current site, then don’t hesitate to Contact Us for a chat.

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